You First
A masterclass for the over-giving mama (or mama-to-be) who deeply desires to feel like herself again + learn to unapologetically fill her own cup
THIS IS the deep inner work  + self nourishment your soul has been craving

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You'll get instant access via email to the prerecorded masterclass and complimentary resources 

YOU FIRST  is for the sleep deprived, over-giving mama (or mama-to-be) who deeply desires to feel like herself again and learn to unapologetically fill her own cup 

I don't mean taking bubble baths alone, drinking your coffee while it's hot, or eating an entire tub of cookie dough ice cream...

 Although those things are lovely, inside YOU FIRST we are going waaaaaay deeper than society's version of "self-care" 

We are talking about things like... 

Ditching old school social constructs re: self-care, self-love, and "filling your cup up"

Regulating your own nervous system

Becoming super intentional with your very precious time 

Living in alignment with your values 

Unapologetically voicing your needs and being open to receiving help

Co-parenting with nature 

....and soooooo much more

After attending YOU FIRST , you'll be able to do things like: 

→ Stop being afraid to ask for help when you’re un-showered, forgot to eat lunch and have spit up stains on your shirt... 

→ Give yourself grace when you’re 5 months pregnant, it’s 12am and you have a meltdown because he forgot to pickup ice cream...

→ Stop comparing yourself to your mom friend who's hosting dinner parties in her pre-pregnancy jeans while you’re still in your 2 day old mom bun and your #OOTD comes from the dirty laundry basket... 

→ Unapologetically attend the new yoga class that you’ve been dying to go to or eat dinner while its HOTTT!! #guilt free (we’re removing selfish from your vocabulary)...

→ No longer be surviving off of 4 cups of coffee before 9am just so you don’t lose your sh*t when your freshly pumped milk spills all over the floor...

Feel confident in your changing body even when your brand new leggings that you just bought last week don’t fit anymore and you barely recognize yourself each time you walk past the mirror... 

→ And start loving your fave people even harder than you already do ♡

YOU FIRST is the deep inner work  + Self NOurishment your soul has been craving 

  • Total payment
  • 1xYou First: Self-Love Masterclass$22

All prices in USD
